Well, not really, but I gots stuff to say, yo!
Firstly, thanks to everyone who's been visiting the website, the channel and all our social media you guys are the best! Thank you tot on our last podcast who, quote "This is a delight, you have delighted me :)". We're not sure what he means, or if he actually listened to the right podcast, but thank you anyway!
Content wise, there's been a bunch of stuff happening, with the aforementioned podcast 107, Cal Auditions for Castaway (Raft Gameplay), Podcast 106, What's That Slang: Cockney Bullshit, GTA V (Doodads), Dan Heals People (Battlefield 1) and Guts & Glory: Cal's Cycle To Work Day plus loads more!
There's plenty more things lined up, including a collaboration with the excellent guys from Pixel Bandits, a brand new series with my wife Zoe (who has been popping up in our lets plays, and is the genius behind the quiz shows of late!), as well as more special guests in the form of people playing games with us. How exciting!
Oh, you want more do you?
Well lucky you! For we also have a barrage of giveaways coming up, where you can -- wait for it -- win stuff. YES! YOU! YOU CAN WIN THINGS! And, as ever, all you have to do is give us a message on Twitter, YouTube or the website and that's it. No subscription based service, no boring essays. Just tell us you want the goods.
The last giveaway was a great success, and congratulations again to League of Legends Channel, Wieso Nur, HiraduGaming and Sebastian Pędzimąż who all won, hope you all enjoyed your games!
Now then, onto the update stuff. Mainly about me, as Dan's a silly spunk monkey who doesn't deserve your time. Up until this very minute, I've been doing copious amounts of awesome stuff. So awesome, that I'm not going to say what they are, but instead, I'll tell you a bunch of stuff that's like, probably-maybe-kinda good.
Firstly, content. As my last update, I'd mentioned how shit we'd been with content because of Christmas and stuff, but we've picked back up again, and we'll continue to still be shit, but shit rich with content. So you're welcome.
I've been working on a few things that haven't graced the website or channel just yet, but they will be. First up, is my new (return to) batch of art stuff. I started a "draw with Cal" series a while ago, but gave up on it as it wasn't as glamorous as I'd hoped! But, it seems those of you that follow my work over at Broken Pony Comics enjoyed the video (thanks for the emails Sam Truhman, Mark T and whoever else I've completely forgotten about), so I've began a new and improved attempt at it. My problem with it is I use a Wacom Intuos Pro for all my art, and whilst I love it, and it's such a great artist tool, it's not the most comfortable thing to use when trying to record (when I'm just drawing for fun, I can use the Intuos Pro on my Windows tablet, so I don't have to hunch over the desk, but can't record that way!), SO, I've re-purposed a stand/prop out of an old tablet stand, and, slightly less wrist cramp aside, it's a lot more comfortable to use when sat at the desk.
But there'll be a load of Photoshop stuff too, not just standard drawing, so who knows, maybe you'll learn something! (But you probably wont).

Zoe wanted to do some videos on Resident Evil VII but I kind of want to just sit and enjoy it, so probably not. But we'll see.
So, what else?
Well, myself and Dan have started a few new videos, one game, which is new to us, is Pantropy, which is a sci-fi MMOFPS for PC currently in early development. We've got very early access to the alpha version, and whilst buggy as hell, is a lot of fun! Another title we've literally just got into, is Paladins, which is a free-to-Play objective-based team first-person shooter from Hi-Rez Studios, makers of SMITE and Tribes: Ascend. Pretty much the free equivalent to Overwatch, it's surprisingly fun (mostly because Dan and I ranked top 3 a few times, and got highlighted player accolades!)
Well, other than being massivley excited for Horizon: Zero Dawn, Mass Effect: Andromeda and INCREDIBLY EXCITED for Hugh Jackmans last (sad face) epic as Wolverine in the upcoming Logan, that pretty much wraps it up for this update! Keep tuned for new videos, the latest podcast (which will be here) and loads more!