So here's the deal. As with every week, we did our podcast. Only this time we uncovered the greatest thing EVER! In an interview with PC Gamer, Sawyer agreed with the interviewer's suggestion that Obsidian's 2010 RPG Alpha Protocol and Archer are alike in more than a few ways. "It has come up actually several times of people saying, 'Yeah, that would be a good fit. Archer Protocol,'" Sawyer said.
While there are no plans in place to actually make such a game, Obsidian project director Josh Sawyer says in a new interview that the Fallout: New Vegas and South Park: The Stick of Truth developer sees a number of similarities between its 2010 RPG Alpha Protocol and the animated TV show, Archer.
We have to agree. Alot. So much so, that after the podcast, I made this mock up concept, and tweeted it to Obsidian and FX, thinking nothing of it really. However, they seemed to like the idea, as did a bunch of you other awesome folk!
Now, we're not naive enough to think that anything will come of this, but if it did, an Archer RPG in the style of the Alpha Protocol / Knights of the Old Republic 2 conversation tree would be amazing! So, who want's it? Unleash your splooge in the poll below!
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